مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
  • الكاتب
  • #12519


    Please read this and pass it on to any Muslims, as much as you can. It is a vital and important information. Muslims should now refrain from using the term “Mosque”.

    I was flipping through this book the other day called “THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING ISLAM” (he-he, they call themselves idiots) and
    it is filled with fun facts. One of them concerns the term “Mosque.” So many of us think that this is the English translation of Masjid. I’m sure none of us ever wondered how this term
    came into being when it really had little in common with how it sounded compared to ‘Masjid’. (We were very young when we were taught this English word. Our mind then were not critical & analytical, so didn’t dare ! to ask/challenge our teachers, right?).

    Anyway this book pointed out that the term ‘mosque’ is derived from the
    Spanish word for “mosquito.” It was termed as such because during the
    Crusades, King Ferdinand said they were going to go and swat the Muslims
    “like mosquitoes”. (Where else can they find Muslims in large number to
    be swatted if not in a Masjid?). So, they cheekily termed “Masjid” as “Mosque”.

    So dear Muslim brothers and sisters, refrain from using this term which is obviously a disgusting slap in the face to the Ummah. Educate our brothers and sisters to the history and etymology of this word. And let us replace it with the word which is MEANT to be used: Masjid! The Place of Prostration!! Not Mosque: the place to be swatted! If any of you have doubts about this, then please go look for the book
    And read it.

    Bint AL-hejaz

    thank you Polaris for your informative issue it is true little that we know about so many things when it comes to deen i believe we should broaden our knowledge
    when it come to the use of terms which are not Arabic… thank you again


    W E L C O M E

    W E L C O M E

    W E L C O M E


    It’s new information for me………thank u Polaris……….
    I’ll be careful……..


    Thank you a lot , we really never thought to know the origin of the english naming of our holly places, and it is embaressing.

    god bless you


    THANKS for this new information for me

مشاهدة 6 مشاركات - 1 إلى 6 (من مجموع 6)
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