الرئيسية منتديات مجلس الصحة 6 Ways To Deal With A Cutthroat Co-Worker

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  • #150167

    6 Ways To Deal With A Cutthroat Co-Worker

    Everyone wants to be the best, but some co-workers will turn a friendly competition into a Darwinian rivalry.
    Cutthroat co-workers are toxic to office culture: from the person who takes credit for your work to the person who hoards vital information just so that you and your team members look unprepared in a meeting. For young professionals who are trying to establish themselves in their career, it can be especially tough when you’re thrown under the bus for the first time because you’re not sure who to turn to or how to defend yourself.
    The bad news is that in your professional life, you will come across many characters like this — but the good news is that you can learn to protect yourself against them. Whether you’re in an internship program fighting for a full-time job or you’re a recent grad on the right path to receiving a new title, you can gracefully and professionally deal with a co-worker who doesn’t have your best intentions at heart.
    1. Keep a safe distance

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يستخدم موقع مجالسنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط الكوكيز لتحسين تجربتك في التصفح. سنفترض أنك موافق على هذا الإجراء، وفي حالة إنك لا ترغب في الوصول إلى تلك البيانات ، يمكنك إلغاء الاشتراك وترك الموقع فوراً . موافق إقرأ المزيد