مشاهدة 9 مشاركات - 1 إلى 9 (من مجموع 9)
  • الكاتب
  • #87490

    some beautiful definitions

    Life: A misery period between birth and death

    Farwell Party: A eulogy given to a dead relation of people who are still a live

    Travel: A great hobby with many benefits

    unless it’s a travel to the other world

    History: is a bunch of lies that wouldn’t be possible if the dead can talk

    Graves: are houses for a group of people who used to think that
    the world wouldn’t continue without them

    A spinster is a girl who used the word NO a lot

    Love: is a disease that begins with sighs and
    ends with yawning

    Human being: An Earthly creature, came out from earth, lived on earth, dealt with earth and goes back to earth

    Happiness: A spring that everyone wishes to reach without knowing it’s beneath their feet

    People: are like any mineral, rusts with boredom.. expands with hope .. shrinks with pain





    thanks marissa for passing by


    lol I like the way they define history and Love
    Nice stuff sister , keep it up *_*


    dear gawharra thanks for this useful definitions

    but i’d like to tell you that your sign has a wrong spelling you wrote the word knows in a wrong spelling please revise it

    dont be angry with me


    interesting definitions

    Thnk you my dear


    welcome lanlona

    i pleasure you like it


    hello hadel

    thanks for your attention

    and i am not angry

    thanks for passing by


    thanks callous for passing by

مشاهدة 9 مشاركات - 1 إلى 9 (من مجموع 9)
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